Monday, February 25, 2008

Lindy the Turtle part 7

Several hours later, Lindy emerged from her room. She was very hungry, she had hardly eaten anything that morning. She walked straight for the fridge. Right as she opened the fridge door, and was reaching for the OJ, the phone rang. After it rang twice, and nobody picked it up, Lindy answered it. "Hello?" she said.

"Hey Lindy," it was Betty.


"I was just calling to see if everything was alright because you were going to call me to see if we could hang out, but you never did. So why didn't you call?"

"Ummm..... well, I'm just going through some family stuff right now, but I'm alright. Ummm.... I have to go, but I will call you later."

"Okay, well bye then," said Betty.

"Bye," replied Lindy.


Miranda said...

nice stoy. i liked thi because it was fiction.

linden said...

Haha, i like this story because its all about turtles, and the character is practically named after me :)

iZZY (iCeY) said...

This is really cute! I like this becasue it's really imaginative and fun! Good job on continuing this. Some day this could make a childrens book! Lol, but yeahthis was cool! Are you going to continue it more? said...

I liked this because the whole story of Lindy the turtle comes together. I love to read your new post each time you enter one for Lindy the turtle. Keep writing Lindy the Tutle. It's starting to get good. Good job! :)

daniel said...

lacy i like your story and its coming along really well. you should keep writing theses they're really good. you are a really good writer.

Emma said...

I like this entry because it was fiction. And most people write about nonfiction. This entry was very creative! I also like that you have been continuing the story. Keep up the good work! Im waiting for the next entry of Lindy the Turtle!


raelani said...

Lacy- these are some intense turtles. You should keep publishing these stories. I like them because you never know what is going to happen in the adventures of Lindy.

Taylor said...

nice job. this had great detail.i like how this is fiction.these are great. keep righting