Monday, February 25, 2008

Lindy the Turtle part 7

Several hours later, Lindy emerged from her room. She was very hungry, she had hardly eaten anything that morning. She walked straight for the fridge. Right as she opened the fridge door, and was reaching for the OJ, the phone rang. After it rang twice, and nobody picked it up, Lindy answered it. "Hello?" she said.

"Hey Lindy," it was Betty.


"I was just calling to see if everything was alright because you were going to call me to see if we could hang out, but you never did. So why didn't you call?"

"Ummm..... well, I'm just going through some family stuff right now, but I'm alright. Ummm.... I have to go, but I will call you later."

"Okay, well bye then," said Betty.

"Bye," replied Lindy.

Lindy the Turtle part 6

That evening her mom had to cal dinner three times.When Lindy still didn't come, her mom went into Lindy's room and found her asleep.

The next morning when Lindy walked into the kitchen, she saw her mom packing up the dishes into boxes. Lindy went to grab a bowl, when her mom said, "Lindy, here, use a paper bowl. We don't have the time to wash the dishes."

Lindy just grabbed one of the paper bowls. She got out her favorite cereal and some milk. Lindy's mom said, "Once you are done eating, you should start laying out some clothes that you don't think you'll be wearing the next few days.

"Ummmm.......Okay. Hey, mom," said Lindy, "when are we leaving?"

With some hesitation, her mom said, "In about a week and a half, but the moving truck is coming in a week."

"Okay, ummmm....where are we even moving to?"


Lindy wass suddenly filled with a bunch of emotions. She was moving from Washington to Florida. She left the kitchen to go to her bedroom without finishing her cereal. Lindy sat down on her bed, just thinking.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lindy the Turtle part5

"Ummmmm..........I don't know," said Lindy, "probably just hanging out at home."

"Oh, we should hang out then," said Betty.

"Okay, well I'll call you when i get home," said Lindy. Right then the bell rang. Everyone cheered, then scrambeled out f the classroom.

When Lindy got home that afternoon, she was kind of suspecious. When she walked up the driveway, she saw her dad's car sitting in the garage. Normally, her dad didn't get back until after she had gotten home. When she walked into the living room, she saw her mom and dad just sitting there. Lindy stopped dead in her tracks. Her mom told her to sit down because they had some news to tell her. Lindy sat in her favorite chair. Her dad addressed her, then said, "I'm just going to come out and say it. Lindy, we're moving."

Lindy was silent a moment thinking about what she had just heard. Then she said, "What was that,I don't think I heard you properly. You see, it sounded to me like you said we were moving, but that can't be right."

"Lindy, you heard us correctly," her mother said. Lindy just sat there, not moving, not talking, it didn't even look like she was breathing. She just sat there staring off into the distance, thinking. She finally stood up and started to walk away. She walked slowly to her bedroom, where she quietly closed the door, and plopped down on her bed.

Lindy the Turtle part4

As time went on they became even better friends. It was now the last day of 5th grade. Everybody at school was so excited. It was 3:00 and school let out at 3:30. They weren't doing much in their class. The teacher was talking to Larry(the lizard). He kept pestering her to give him homework over break. With Larry distracting her, all of the children were playing games like Frogopoly and InsectLand.

Lindy and Fred were sitting at their seats, just talking. They were planning their whole summer out. They were going to go to the lake to swim(since 1st grade, Lindy had gotten better at this), to see some movies, and best of all, in August, they were going to go to the Fair!

The time was slowly passing by, because now it was only 3:10. While they were talking, one of their other friends hopped up to them. Her name was Betty, and she was a bunny. "So what are you guys planning to do this summer?" she asked.

"Not too much, planning what we want to do this summer, like go to the lake, movies and Fair. I'm so excited for the Fair," said Lindy.

"That sounds like fun," said Betty. "Hey, so what your plan for after school today?" she asked.